Genotypic Sequencing Services


Run upto 5 Flongle or MinION flow cells individually or together

High Throughput
Generate as much as 250 GB data in 72 hours

Simultaneous data streaming for immediate interpretation

Allows users to offer nanopore sequencing as a service

Ultra Long Read
Generate from small to ultra-long reads

Integrated Compute System
Sequencing and analysis in one system
- Larger genomes or projects
- Whole transcriptomes (direct RNA or cDNA)
- Large numbers of samples
- Whole genomes/exomes
- Metagenomics
- Targeted sequencing
- Disease outbreak study
- Epigenetics

Launching High Throughput Sequencing Services Using Nanopore PromethION
The Promethion provides live high accuracy base-calling at low cost and low TAT, alignment and methylome calls can also be done while sequencing. This opens up new possibilities for Nanopore minion users as well as for short read users. Genotypic will be presenting the work flows for CfDNA, WGS metagenome and large genome sequencing projects – in Human genetics to Agriculture and Biopharma.

Run upto 48 flow cells together or individually

High Throughput
Yields up to 11 Tb in 48 hours for the whole device.

Integrated compute for real-time base calling and onward analysis.

Large-Scale Sequencing
Generate robust data for large projects
High accuracy base calling Q30+ duplex reads
High accuracy and ultra long reads ensure you get the best quality genomes for all your biological experiments! You can now have the Power of calling SNVs, CNVs Indels, Structural Variations & Methylation – all from the same data!
- WGS of Larger genomes (Plants/Humans/Bovines)
- Whole Genome Metagenome Sequencing
- Transcriptome Sequencing
- DNA/RNA Modifications (Methylation/Acetylation)
- Quick TAT : 24 flowcells 120GB x 24 run in parallel
- Live alignment
- Larger genomes or projects
- Population-scale sequencing
- Highly multiplexed small genomes or targeted regions
- Whole transcriptomes (direct RNA or cDNA)
- Whole genomes/exomes
- Metagenomics
- Targeted sequencing
- Disease outbreak study
- Epigenetics